Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2023
Oct, Nov, Dec
Paula Fürstenberg | Writer

Paula Fürstenberg grew up in Potsdam. After residing in France for two years, she studied at the Swiss Literature Institute in Biel from 2008 to 2011. Today, she lives and writes in Berlin.
Project Description
For Paula Fürstenberg, the topics of remembrance culture, historical and biographical storytelling, depression, flight, and friendship are the focus of her work. From a formal stand point she is specifically interested in the possibilities of the literary list.
Publications (Selection)
2016 | „Familie der geflügelten Tiger“, Roman, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
2019 | „Ich denke über das Internet nach und versuche, etwas weniger romanhaft zu lügen oder stockend und mit belegter Stimme zu sprechen. Über die Dehnbarkeit der Personalpronomen“, poetologischer Essay, in: edition text + kritik
2018 | „Max geht in seinem Kopf spazieren und verläuft sich“, Kurzgeschichte, in: Edit Nr. 74 2018
2018 | „Aplysia und die Beschriftung des Gehirns“, literarischer Essay, in: 39NULL, 2018
Awards (Selection)
2019 | Fellowship at the international Artist Residence Villa Concordia, Bamberg
2018 | Working Scholarship of the Berlin Senate
2014 | Fellow at the Autorenwerkstatt of the Literarischen Colloquiums Berlin (LCB)
2012 | Working Scholarship of the Ministry for Science, Research and Culture Brandenburg