Events | Pre-Listening Lounge: Exit Exil
Berlin | May 8, 2022 | 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM (PDT)

with Uisenma Borchu, Colin Hacklander & Farahnaz Hatam, Michael Lentz & Gunnar Geisse and many more.
Tickets: Admission free
Start: 4 p.m. (CET)
Venue: Kuppelhalle, Silent Green Kulturquartier, Gerichtstraße 35, D-13347 Berlin
This summer, VATMH will release the EXIT EXIL app, which tells the stories of the artists and intellectuals who left Europe to flee the Nazi regime for America.
Users of the app gain insight into the hopes, goals, dreams, and fears of the refugees. They become part of a conversation between the historical figures and alumni of the Villa Aurora and Thomas Mann House residency programs, who today seek to engage with the circumstances and fates of the displaced.
But the app also provides insights into the lives of people living in migration today, who face challenges very similar to those of the historical figures.
On Sunday, May 8, we will provide an exclusive insight into artistic contributions by VATMH alumni and collaborative projects with Freie Universität Berlin and Deutschlandfunk.
EXIT EXIL is a project of Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e.V. (VATMH) and is intended to develop in the coming years into a central platform for artistic, journalistic and scholarly contributions with a focus on German-speaking exile in the USA. Current debates on migration, integration, etc. will have a prominent place.
EXIT EXIL is designed as a network project and will be successively expanded to include further content from alumni of the VATMH residency programs and cooperation partners from culture and academia. The infrastructure of the app is secured for ten years.
EXIT EXIL was developed within the framework of "dive in. Program for Digital Interactions" of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.

Admission is free.
Since April 1, there are no longer any corona restrictions. However, for your protection and ours, we currently still recommend that you continue to wear a mask while attending the event and that you test yourself in advance. If you feel ill, we ask you to stay at home.
With your participation you agree to the publication of photographs and videos by VATMH e.V., which may be taken by you during the event.
There is no checkroom available. Please refrain from bringing large pieces of luggage.