Events | Exit Exil. Fünf Frauenleben in L.A. (1/5): Geschichten von Marta
Radio | 3. Juni 2022 | 19:15 (MESZ)

with Tanja Kinkel & Étienne Roeder.
von Étienne Roeder
Sendedatum: 3. Juni 2022
Sendezeit: 19:15 Uhr
Regie: Philippe Brühl
Produktion: Deutschlandfunk 2022
Weitere Informationen:
It is well known that German artists and intellectuals fled to the USA during the Second World War. The Thomas Mann House and the Villa Aurora in Los Angeles bear witness to this. Little is known, however, about the women in exile. We want to change that.
Together with the successful writer and Villa Aurora alumna Tanja Kinkel, Étienne Roeder traces Marta Feuchtwanger in the first episode. Marta was a grande dame. She loved extravagant disguises and long party nights and made her shared home with the writer Lion Feuchtwanger the center of the artistic scene.
Whether in Munich, Berlin, on the run in France or, at last, in exile in Los Angeles; She was hands-on and athletic and saved her husband's life more than once. And she could tell stories - about her turtle with a sense of poetry or how she freed Lion from the prison camp.
Étienne Roeder, born in 1983 in Berlin, studied cultural anthropology, Latin American and Portuguese studies. For a time, the author of reportages and radio features lived in Portugal and Colombia. In 2018 he won the Åke Blomström Award of the EBU.
A cooperation of Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House and Deutschlandfunk.
After being broadcast on the radio, the radio features "EXIT EXIL. Five Women's Lives in LA" will be presented in our app "Exit Exil," which will be available free of charge in the appshops later this summer. In the coming years, it will develop into a central platform for artistic, journalistic and academic contributions focusing on German-speaking exile in the US. Current debates on migration, identity, etc. will take a prominent place. EXIT EXIL is designed as a network project and will be successively expanded by further content from alumni of the VATMH residency programs and cooperation partners from culture and science.
EXIT EXIL was developed within the framework of "dive in. Program for Digital Interactions" of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.