Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2015
Apr, May, Jun
Daniela Seel | Writer

- 1974
- born in Frankfurt (Main)
The writer and publisher Daniela Seel lives and works in Berlin.
After pubication of "Ich kann diese Stelle nicht wiederfinden" kookbooks 2011 (I can’t relocate that place), she currently works on "Was weisst Du schon von prairie" (What do you know about prairie?)
She has international appearances and collaborates with a number of artists, such as the illustrator Andreas Töpfer, the musician PLANNINGTOROCK, the dancer David Bloom, and the poets Rick Reuther and Robert Stripling.
++ There must be (in)concurrence, (counter)movements, cajoling and contradicting, suspension. Elastic traces, expanding from the ears. Grinding, slurping, creaking and squealing. Fluid syntax. Plasticity. And gaps. Imbalances, where erosion appears. Where somebody is oversensitive, not knowing it all.