Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2014

Jul, Aug, Sep

Gerhard Falkner | Writer (together with Nora Matocza-Falkner)

Gerhard Falkner © A.P. Englert
Gerhard Falkner © A.P. Englert

Gerhard Falkner ranks among the most important poets of today. He is the recipient of numerous awards and received fellowships of renown international recidences, such as Villa Massimo (Casa Baldi) Rome, Schloss Solitude Stuttgart, Spycher Preis Schloss Leuk Swizzerland, Kulturakademie Tarabya Istanbul and upcoming, Villa Aurora California. His latest book, the „Pergamon Poems“, was a work for the Pergamon Museum in Berlin and was turned into five viedeo-clips, in cooperation with actors from the Berlin Schaubühne by BBOXXFILME.
