Events | Time to Listen. The Ecological Crisis in Sound and Music
Akademie der Künste | August 18, 2023 – September 3, 2023

Time to Listen
The Ecological Crisis in Sound and Music
Festival with an exhibition, concerts, workshops for children and teenagers, open-space symposium, presentations and a community day in Moabit
The “Time to Listen” festival brings together international artists who use music to respond to the urgent issues engendered by climate change and the environmental crisis.
With Villa Aurora Alumni Peter Ablinger, Sabine Vogel, Carola Bauckholt, Ann Cotten, Georg Klein, Ute Wassermann and others.
Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House is cooperation partner for two projects of the festival program.
18.8. - 3.9.
Daniel Rothman's sound installation Listening to Ballona in the natural history museum of the future (2023, Uraufführung) is part of the festivals exhibition "Time to Listen".
3.9., 19:00 Uhr
The composition Krill (2023, Uraufführung) is a music performance composed by Ute Wassermann (Villa Aurora fellow 2022), commissioned by VATMH. The piece will be performend as part of the concert evening "Krill.Foam.Stop".
Here you can find more information on the festival program and tickets.