Events | 1886 - Historical Screenplay

L.A. | September 29, 2012 | 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

1886 is a historical screenplay based on the autobiography of Albert Parsons retelling the Haymarket bombing in Chicago in May, 1886. The story centers around a group of labor activists – among them a young carpenter and a newspaper publisher from Germany - who fought for the eight-hour work day and the end of child labor.

The fight for equality and justice make this story accessible and very timely. It captures the current worldwide zeitgeist of the disparity between the haves and the have-nots.

2012 marks the 125th anniversary of the executions of those Chicago Anarchists.

Director Noam Gonick, Screenwriter Thuc Nguyen and Villa Aurora present a Table Read with passages from the screenplay.

Refreshments shall be provided

Seating is limited!

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